Office setup download, Installation and activation Quickly

To get the Office setup, you can find the 25-character alpha-numeric code printed on the back side of the card. The combination of the key will be alpha-numeric and will be length of: xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx.

Office Setup

To get Office Setup on your computer, you will need a valid product key. Once you have the key with you, visit and follow the onscreen instructions after login into your account. For the complete help, be with us and our technicians will guide you through entire process of installing Microsoft Office product on your device.

Get help of experienced technicians for Microsoft Office Setup and installation:

If you have bought the Microsoft Office and struggling with its setup and installation, contact us for help. Our experienced technicians will help you with the entire process of installing Microsoft Office using the purchased product key. Just visit and follow the procedure discussed below or seek the help of experts:
Steps to install Microsoft Office Setup online:
  1. Visit: and sign into your Office account using your registered email ID and Password. Then redeem your Microsoft Office product key code. If you don’t have an account, create a new account and go for installing the product using the same Microsoft login credential to sign to your Office account
  2. After login into your account, select the option corresponding to the installation of the product and then choose Install again. By default, this installs the 32-bit version of Office using the language you have preferred and the product key you have got online.Change your languageto install the 64-bit version.
  3. When you will click on install option, you will see a popup with the option “Run” internet explorer. And you will get the option to save the file in Google chrome and Mozilla Firefox. After download is completed, you need to open the file manually and run the installation.
  4. When installation is completed, you will be informed about the same like: “You’re all set! Office is installed now” and then the animated video will guide you about the way of finding office applications on your computer. Follow the instructions displaying onscreen like: Click Start > All Apps to see where your apps are, and select Close.
Important Note: While installation of your version of Microsoft Office 365, you may see the message that says Stop, you should wait to install Office 2016. It means there may be compatibility issue with something else installed on your PC with the installation process issue. In case of any issue with the installation process, feel free to contact us for online live chat support or by calling us at our toll free support number. Our technicians will love to help you with the issues you are facing.

Do you want our Experts to help you with Office Setup Procedure online?

Our technicians are here to help you with the entire process of Downloading Microsoft Office online. Our technicians can’t only fix MS office setup related issues, but also guide you with how to get started with the new Office product once it is installed successfully. So if you have any issue or doubt about the product installation and how to use it, ask our expert for instant help.

We can help you with your Office Setup Issues including:

  1. Figuring out product compatibility issues and fixing them
  2. Guiding about how to use and setup Microsoft Office product
  3. Assistance with your new Microsoft account creation or restoring old account
  4. Helping to Optimize the computer to get better speed while using the applications like Office or others as well installed on your devices.
  5. Troubleshooting security and virus related issues if required
  6. For more information visit out official website -


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