Amazon Expands Transgender Resources for Employees

Recently, Amazon is planning to develop transgender resources for all the employees, and the resources will include

the best practice guidance for the transgender employees, co-workers, managers, and HR professionals on a matter

relating to the transgender employees with the motive of creating more supportive, diverse and inclusive work

environment across the business.

Simon Johnson, a director of media at Amazon, stated that the tech firms would only focus on the inclusion and

diversity to make sure about the people developing its technology which represents the millions of customers who

are benefited directly from the diversity of thought.

He also explained that inclusion and diversity are good for businesses and also for the customers, and as always

the transgender employees are an important part of Amazon team. They hope with the new guidelines and also the

support that every employee feels safer and secure, and also valued and easily able to succeed which is based on

the contribution and skills that are brought to the business.

The company has been found that many of the young people who recognize as an LGBT+ have chosen that they are not to

go into the technology industry due to some fear of being discriminated against it.

Some of the research from LGBT+ rights charity Stonewall has also been found that the half of transgender employees

have hidden that they are LGBT+ only through the fear of discrimination.

Although the Amazon wants that their employees always feel comfortable and secure of being their whole selves at

work, and also it’s best practice guidelines which address by using the people’s preferred names and pronouns,

accessibility to the restrooms, employee privacy and dress code.

However, the resources for the transgender employees at the Amazon includes some details on how to look for the

support, and how to make a complaint if necessary and also some frequently asked questions guide covering the

issues such as whether Amazon also has an official transgender policy. If there is any list of places throughout

the company, then it will surely need to be updated if an any of the transition takes place.

The Johnson also pointed out that the firm has been providing support for the employees who are transitioning, as

well as the mental health services for these employees and also for their dependents.

It is broadly agreed that more diverse teams will provide the better results, but to hiring a diverse workforce

goes hand in hand with the inclusion practices which make the employees feel that they are safe and secure to be

themselves at work and are also very happy in the working environment.

Michael, a software development manager at Amazon’s in Scotland, is currently the responsibility of a male-to-

female transition and also said that the firm’s Transgender Toolkit was invaluable throughout the entire process.

 Michael also added that this apparent flow of information made it easy for them to easily understand the changes

and also how they would affect them without any ambiguity and doubt, at their own pace.

Educating Employees
Glamazon, an Amazon’s employee affinity group, which has been trying to educating the firm’s employees about the

LGBTQ+ issues since from the year 1999, and also helped to develop Amazon’s Transgender Guidelines and Toolkit

along with some other Amazon employees from across the company.

For making the procedure easy, there are some most flexible communications templates are available which have only

designed for helping the transgender employees approach their preferred point of contact. And also to establish a

communication plan, with the suitable team that outlining things such as when some of the relevant changes need to

happen, if and how the co-workers should be made alert, and also what updates will need to be made for the employee


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